Fishing methods used by our vessels:

– Tuna pole
– Longline
– Deep-sea Trawl
– Hand Line

Below you will find a list of our regular and most popular products we have on offer. Although we specialise in mainly fresh products, we are also able to supply sea frozen. Please note that we are not only limited to these and will do our best to help you source a specific product should you need. We aim to please.

Shallow-water Cape Hake

“Merluccius Capensis”
Also known as: Stockfish, Stockvis, Merlu, Haddock, Hake

Shallow-water Cape hake are inshore, demersal, slow growing fish.
Cape Hake can be found all around the Southern African coastline their primary zone of capture by inshore-water fisheries is the Agulhas Bank off the South Coast.

Deep-water Cape Hake

“Mercluccius Paradoxus”
Also known as: Stockfish, Stockvis, Merlu, Haddock, Hake

Deep-water Cape Hake are a deep-water, slow growing, predatory fish. They are similar to Cod and Haddock, found in the South-Eastern Atlantic Ocean, along the coast of Southern Africa.

Angel Fish

“Brama Brama”
Also known as: Atlantic Pomfret, Angel, Engelvis, Brama Brama

Angelfish are slow growing, highly mobile fish found across the world in temperate waters. They are caught as bycatch on the continental shelf edge and upper slope along the West Coast from the Namibian border southwards and on the South Coast primarily around the Agulhas Bank.


“Thyrsites Atun”
Also known as: Barracouta, Cape Snoek, Kaapse Snoek

Snoek are relatively fast growing, schooling fish. Snoek are caught within the inshore zone along most of the South African coastline mainly from the Namibian border to Algoa Bay.

Yellowfin Tuna

“Thunnus Albacares”
Also known as: Yellowfin Tuna, Yellowfin Tunny, Geelvin Tuna

Yellowfin tuna are relatively long-lived, migratory fish found in open waters that often form mixed schools with other species of tuna. Yellowfin Tuna is harvested by South Africa in the Indian Ocean and occasionally from the Atlantic Ocean.

Bigeye Tuna

“Thunnus Obesus”
Also known as: Albakoor, Albacore, Longfin Tunny, Longfin Tuna, Langvin Tuna, Bigeyes

Bigeye tuna are predatory, migratory, schooling fish found in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Bigeye tuna are harvested by South Africa in the Atlantic Ocean.


“Genypterus Capensis
Also known as: Koningkilp, Baby Kingklip

Kingklip are relatively slow-growing, long-lived fish found in rocky areas along the continental shelf and upper continental slopes. Kingklip are caught as bycatch around the Agulhas Bank off the south coast.


“Seriola lalandi”
Also known as: Cape Yellowtail, Geelstert, Yellowtail Amberjack

Yellowtail are large, schooling, fast growing fish that undergo unpredictable seasonal migrations. Yellowtail are caught within the inshore zone of the western and south-western Cape Management.


“Helicolenus Dactylopterus”
Also known as: Jacks, Jakopewer, Jocs

Jacopever are a slow-growing, long lived species with a complex reproduction cycle making them highly vulnerable to heavy fishing pressure. Jacopever are caught as bycatch along the West Coast from the Namibian border southwards and on the South Coast primarily around the Agulhas Bank.


“Lophius Vomerinus”
Also known as: Monk, Monkvis, Minkfish

Monkfish are migratory, relatively slow growing fish that are known for their unusual swimming style often using their pectoral fins to walk along the sea floor. Monkfish are caught as bycatch on the continental shelf edge and upper slope along the West Coast from the Namibian border southwards and on the South Coast primarily around the Agulhas Bank.