
Snoek (Thyrsites Atun) is a long, thin, species of snake mackerel found in the seas of the Southern Hemisphere. It is very important to commercial fisheries and is also a popular game fish. It is found near continental shelves or around islands and feeds on crustaceans, cephalopods and small fish such as anchovy and pilchard. This species will form schools near the bottom or midwater; sometimes even near the surface at night. It prefers sea water temperature between 13 and 18 °C (55 and 64 °F).

Its appearance is bluish-black on top with a silver belly and the snoek grows to over a metre in length. Our Snoek is caught by artisanal fishermen utilizing the handline fishing method which is has little or no impact on the environment. Snoek is oily, extremely bony (although the bones are large and easily removed from the cooked fish) and has very fine scales which are almost undetectable. Snoek has a very distinctive taste and is very popular in regions of South Africa.

Snoek is sold both fresh and frozen either whole round or mild cured with salt.

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